Real Mistakes, Real Laughs:

Air bases were built on captured islands of Tinian, Saipan, and Guam but they were barley within the range of the long-range bombers.

(hope the bombadiers weren't on gluten-free diets)

Didn't catch the typo? Scroll to bottom of page

Monday, February 9, 2009

"CROSSING DELANCEY" Makes a Shidduch* of its Own

When I titled my blog "Crossing Polansky," I didn't expect people to get it right away. It has nothing to do with the average person's intelligence, but with the average intelligent person's repertory of trivia. So when a friend I'll call "Alan" told me that "Crossing Delancey" was the catalyst for his love affair with his wife, "Lisa," I knew I would have to share their story here:

The movie "Crossing Delancey" came out in November 1988 (saw it in the theater with an old girlfriend). I met Lisa on a blind date in August 1989, and took her out a second time a week after Labor Day. After the second date, I could sense that there were no "sparks", and was resigned to the fact that it would be a cordial and polite goodbye. I decided that I did not want to call her again.

About that time, "Crossing Delancey" was on HBO. Lisa saw the movie, and had previously dated a doctor who had a boat and other material items that I lacked (in addition to money). She was impressed at my character and sincerity, and after seeing the movie she equated me to the pickle man. A few days before Rosh Hashanah [the Jewish new year], she called me to wish me a L'Shana Tovah [Hebrew for "happy new year"]. I was delighted and pleasantly surprised that she did.

I was invited to a friend's home for dinner on the first night of Succot,[Jewish holiday where families and friends dine in an outdoor shelter with an open roof called a sukkah] and I asked her if she wanted to be my guest. She was more than glad to accept, and she came to my neck of the woods in Randallstown for the first time. On the night of Succot, it was picture perfect, mild, no clouds, lots of stars, and a beautiful moon. Eating on the deck of my friends' home, the atomsphere was magic. There were two close families at that meal, and people kissed each other warmly wishing everyone a "Chag Samyach" [Hebrew for "happy holiday"]. It was magical, and at that moment, we knew we were meant for each other.

Without the movie "Crossing Delancey", we may not have gotten together again. Thanks Amy Irving and Peter Reigert!!

* shidduch is Yiddish for match www.cynthiapolansky.com

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